PittockHQ Blog

  • Google Chromse O/S

    There's a turn up, Google announce they are to release an operating system. No details on how this gets installed on PCs, or any technical details at all. For the moment all we know is from from the Google blog: “Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted […]

  • Primrose Hill Summer Fair 2009

    I think this was my fourth Primrose Hill Summer fair, which has been held in Chalcot Square every June for the last 23 years. This years theme was “Primrose in the Pink”, and while I'm not exactly sure how this translated to the festival (despite reading the programme), I know is that this years was […]

  • 50 iPhone Applications for Web Designer/Developer

    Some bit extreme to be really useful, but an interesting list http://mac.appstorm.net/roundups/iphone-roundups/50-iphone-apps-for-web-designers-developers/

  • Flight Control

    Flight Control is the best game for the iPhone, it's game play perfectly matches the devices form – this game would only work on a hand held touch screen. And like all the best games it's appear deceptively simply, has a gradual learning curve and becomes addictive to master. If there's any criticism it would […]

  • Safely walk & email at same time

    Email 'N Walk is an iPhone application that uses the phones camera to display what's ahead as he/she emails. Hopefully this will prevent people bumping into lamp posts and like. Get it from iTunes for free here. Of courses writing emails on the street does make you look a bit of a fool, but sometimes […]

  • Leon restaurants

    Leon is fast becoming my favourite not-quite-a-restaurant restaurant, and it gets that accolade by me having eaten there three times last week. For those not familiar it's kinda of a European-Mediterranean style food, but with a very feel to it. The restaurants themselves have quite high production values, yet the food is really good value […]

  • Infinte Photogaph

    A social media photo-mosaic portrait of the earth, zoom into to reveal more photographs. http://www.thegreenguide.com/infinite-photograph

  • Statebook

    Big Brother is watching. Statebook spoofs Facebook, detailing some of the information the UK Government holds on it's citizens. http://www.statebook.co.uk

  • David Holmes Playlist

    Just noticed David Holmes has compiled a Celebrity Playlist on iTunes. Regardless that he's the only named DJ I would consider paying to listen to, his selection isn't really much like his live sets – but you can see it's influence on his recent, and very reflective, album The Holy Pictures. Actually the playlist may […]

  • 60 & 70's Model try outs

    A Flickr set of photos from 1960s & 70s of strippers trying out for dancing jobs at a So. Cal club. On display are just a handful from a collection of over 400 Polaroid shots. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12846488@N00/

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