Isokon Flats

At the weekend I was fortunate enough to get invited to a party at the Isokon Flats, a building I had admired in passing several times though didn't really know much about. The flats clearly stand out from the other Edwardian buildings in the road and it was great to have a good excuse to look around them.

The building, situated between Belsize Park and Hampstead in Lawn Road, was the first Modernist designed building in the UK and is now a Grade 1 listed building. They are compact and practical inside, and were originally designed “with special reference to the circumstances of the bachelor or young married professional or businessperson“.

They were also home to Agatha Christie 1940-46, something which apparently local people know but I didn't. They were rennovated in 2001 and sold and rented to key-workers, indeed the party host was a paramedic.

More information here on Archidose here

Google Street view of Isokon Bulding

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