Primrose Hill Summer Fair 2009

I think this was my fourth Primrose Hill Summer fair, which has been held in Chalcot Square every June for the last 23 years. This years theme was “Primrose in the Pink”, and while I'm not exactly sure how this translated to the festival (despite reading the programme), I know is that this years was the busiest and liveliest yet.

The usual stalls were there, including the ridiculously cheap book stall which I saw Alan Bennet rummaging through. I would have dearly loved to have bought one of local artist's Malcom Fowler's huge hand drawn maps of Primrose Hill. These are limited to just 265 prints, but at an average price of £250 I'm not sure I can afford one at the moment, shame.

But the most memorable part is probably the colourful and very noisy Samba parade, presented by the Paraiso School Of Samba. The weather was perfect and the opportunity to sit outside the local pub and watch it go by only added to the enjoyment. The fair is put on by the Primrose Hill Association, and I might even get involved somehow next year.

Anyway, I took some photos and here's a link to the Flickr set below (updated link)



