Logo Tournament

Logo Tournament lets you harness the collective creativity of a number of designers when you need a new logo designed.

You put up a prize amount, provide some information about your organisation and leave it to designers to come back with their ideas. The designer providing the best logo get the prize fund and you get to use their design.








0 responses to “Logo Tournament”

  1.  Avatar

    I have to disagree with this process. You can hire a good designer for $250.00 that will work with you to design a great logo. These logo tournament sites are a breeding ground for plagiarism. There are multiple designers on these sites that steal ideas not only from each other but from logos that are already on the market. Look at the logo for the site…. it's a coliseum….logo design is not a contest, both the designers that put in their time and the logo buyer are going to get stung in the end using sites like this. I recommend that you find yourself a good designer in your local area that will work with you one on one.

  2.  Avatar

    I agree with the statement above. Things like this cheapen the process of graphic design on the whole. Designers who want to spend the time and put some heart into their work shouldn't fall into this trap.

  3.  Avatar

    I thought that this was a great idea when I first heard about it. I am a graphic designer and felt that this would be a great place to showcase my talents and maybe pick up a few new clients. The truth behind sites like this is that they prey on both the designer and the competition holder. Although designers and the business owners that take part do of course have the choice to not participate in sites like – which I no longer do. I spent a couple of months submitting my ideas to the site, won a couple, came in second or third on a couple and achieved over 95 “Blue Ribbons”. The whole site is set up on the idea that by having your design competition open to hundreds of designs you will end up with a professionaly completed logo. You would think that this is true. The issue is that a vast majority of the designers on the site have no experience in graphic design, let alone logo design. The ranking system on the site is feeble at best. Some of the designers in the top 50 spots are not ranked this way due to their designs, they are ranked this way because competition holders gave them a blue ribbon for the 20 designs that they submitted. There are designers that have over 500 blue ribbons but only 15 winning submissions – this ranked against the close to 900 logos that they have submitted, isn't a very good ratio of good designs to losing designs.
    In my opinion if you want to have a logo created for your company that will allow to utilize it in print, web or whatever else you may need a logo for – hire a graphic designer. You will pay just as much but recieve one on one service from a professional that understands. Logotournament is a fad that although it may last only ends up being a cash-cow for the owners of the site. The designers that end up burning out by submitting design upon design and recieving nothing in return for the hours of work that they put into the work are the ones that end up losing in the end. If you would like to see what the design community has to say do a search for spec work on google and read some of the article.

  4.  Avatar

    If hiring a good graphic designer was easy then I would say the above posters would have a leg to stand on, but it's not. I've tried to find a good designer and also used LT. When it comes to logo design one designer is not going to be able to provide you with enough unique designs to make sure you are going to get a good logo (or more importantly…one that you like). They usually only provide a few designs and if the designs are not what you are looking for then you just wasted money. Then you are out searching for another designer hoping the same thing doesn't happen again. This is where the concept of LT fixes that problem. The site does have its short comings, but overall I was happy with the process and ended up with a good logo.

  5.  Avatar

    I tried doing a contest on Logo Tournament. The good part was that I got quite a few good options to choose from. The bad part is that the one I wanted got thrown out by a team of designers who thought that the one I liked best was too close to another design that got submitted first. So you may find the perfect logo and still not be able to get it if the other designers gang up on the designer whose design you like best. I demanded a refund so I could go directly to the designer I wanted and buy it from him. Sorry I had to do that, but I want what I want.

  6.  Avatar

    Awful, awful experience. Logo tournament is the epitomy of botom of the barrel for designers. Its run ban and the 'designers' (rolf) are just a bunch of back stabbing charlatans. You'd do well to avoid the place like the plague.

  7.  Avatar

    i think these tournaments are a great way of promoting ones art and also creating a healthy competition.

  8.  Avatar

    They usually only provide a few designs and if the designs are not what you are looking for then you just wasted money. Then you are out searching for another designer hoping the same thing doesn't happen again. This is where the concept of LT fixes that problem. The site does have its short comings, but overall I was happy with the process and ended up with a good logo.