Blade Runner – The Final Cut to be released

Blade Runner has been my favorite film since I catching by accident late one night on TV when just a teenager. That may be partly laziness on my part, I have of course seen
many great movies since then, but don't even try knock
Blade Runner from my top spot. Story, acting, scenery, cinematography, music… I find it hard to fault.

Surprisingly I've only watch it twice since, including the so called directors cut. This later version took away
Deckard's monologue which was added by request of the film studio, against Harrison Ford's protests. He apparently still isn't happy with his voice over, which was actually something I always liked and added to it's neo-noir appeal. It also pushed the twisted suggestion that Deckard was also a replicant.

The ultimate relevance of Blade Runner lies in its challenge of what it must mean to be human. It raises the eternal gnawing doubt as to our own humanity or lack of it. Gadfly film review of Blade Runner

I'm actually excited that twenty five years after it's original theatrical release, a definitive version is finally being released along with usual unseen extras, documentaries and behind the scenes stuff. I've been holding out on buying the film until something like this came along.

In December two packages are released, a Blade Runner (2 Disc Set) as well as a 5 disc set, which includes the original 1982 version with voice over. Even with the renewed interest in the film, I'm still hoping there won't be plans to make a sequel – I just know they wouldn't get it that right again.

Ridely Scott interview Wired 26th September 2007




