Category: Geek

  • Spinning Dancer

    Is the dancer below spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise.. The fact is it doesn't matter… but it looks clockwise from where I'm sitting. Still it's quite an interesting optical illusion, and the reasons behind the directional ambiguity as explained in an article oin the New York times today… Dr. Toppino advises staring at one part of […]

  • MP3 Player also a cassette

    MP3 player shaped like a cassette is also a cassette, and will play in any regular cassette player. Costs $40.

  • SatNav offers parking advice

    Japanese SatNav devices are being updated with information on where cars have been broken into or stolen and then doling out advice on where to park… I like the idea that the SatNav voice could tell you more about the area, perhaps offer some tips on your destination on the way. You might need to […]

  • iRing

    The iRing a control playback for Apple media devices. Like a normal ring it fits on your finger, but unlike say a typical wedding ring (“iDo”), it includes a wireless Bluetooth connectivity with iPod and iPhone close to it.

  • How the internet might die

    We take the internet for granted really, so much free information, so many free services. We also take for granted that the internet will always be around, but that might not be the case. There's already growing (and in my opinion valid) concern over net neutrality which could potentially change the internet into a subscription […]

  • World's fastest internet connection 'used to dry laundry'

    Apparently so….Swedish grandmother has 40 gigabits per second connection…

  • A friend for you

    A Flash based friend, use your mouse to tickle her nose…

  • Adobe Photoshop Express for free

    Adobe has launched a free web based version of Photoshop Express. One nice feature is it's ability to open your Facebook galleries (with permission of course) to allow you to edit any pictures you've already uploaded.

  • Muxtapes

    As previously mentioned (Cassettes & The Art Of Mix Tape), mix tapes were my thing as a younger being. is the modern equivalent for the web generation, allowing you to upload 12 songs (ooh, make sure you have the copyright.. yeah). Your compilation can then be played anywhere you go, provided that places has […]

  • Prism

    Prism is Mozilla Lab's solution for running web based applications outside of a normal web browser interface – and is an example of Single Site Browser (SSB). Why would you want to do this? Through AJAX and other emerging web technologies, web applications are increasingly behaving like desktop applications, e.g. Google Documents, Flickr etc. Normal […]