Category: Geek

  • ZX81 – Future changer

    Great article this week on BBC on the Sinclair ZX81 computer. It all rings true – this computer basically changed my life. I have my father to thank for that, he bought a second hand ZX81 for the family from a car-boot sale.

  • 3D Animated GIFs

    Animated GIFS are back.. in 3D. The two frame animations jump quickly between focal points to give the illusion of the third dimension.. . More on

  • WhatsApp – free SMS for iPhones

    SMS are one of the most expensive forms of data transfer around, aprox £750 per MB according to one finding (compared to say NASA who pay £61 per MB to receive data from the Hubble Space Telescope). So it's hard not to like this application (despite a name that reminds me of those horrible “Whats […]

  • Google Chromse O/S

    There's a turn up, Google announce they are to release an operating system. No details on how this gets installed on PCs, or any technical details at all. For the moment all we know is from from the Google blog: “Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted […]

  • iCloud

    iCloud provides online cloud computing, not just storage, but a desktop and applications – so in theory you don't need anything on your computer except a web browser (and a fast internet connection). The desktop looks good and has pre-installed the common applications most users will need. It's kind of odd setting up an email […]

  • Browser Ball

    Very geeky example of what can be done with newish HTML canvas tag in modern browsers – i.e. not Internet Explorer (yet).

  • Sad/Art iPhone Stickers

    Fake iPhone text message alerts alert…

  • Schedule Tweets

    Twuffer lets you schedule tweets (messages on Twitter, don't cha know) for a predefined time of your choosing. Twitters main idealogy was the “What are you doing now?” question; so a scheduler sort of flies in the face of that. Yet it's clear Twitter is now being used by organisations as a general purpose broadcast […]

  • Google Sync for mobile phones

    Do you use Google Calander… you should… it now syncs mobile phones (including iPhone), so you can add events to either web or iPhone and they stay in sync. You get alerts on phone and/or alrerts by email for the events, or just things you need to do

  • Twitter: Expressions of the Whole Self

    Twitter: Expressions of the Whole Self – An investigation into user appropriation of a web-based communications platform is research paper by Edward Mischaud (MSc in Politics and Communication) at London School Of Economic. It's an interesting piece, and it gets quite deep over the course of 50 odd pages covering the Social Shaping of Technology […]