Category: Web Design/Databases

  • SQL Prompt

    SQL Prompt basically adds code completion features found in Visual Studio and other IDEs to SQL Server. I came across this useful tool last week while on training using someone elses PC, and was surprised when the name of the table I wanted popped up as I typed into the query analyser screen Unfortunately this […]

  • Transferring stored procedures between databases

    Kind as Microsoft are to give away SQL Server Express, one downside of the cut down version is it's lack of full data transfer services. As previously mentioned DTSWizard.exe can move tables between databases and servers, but it doesn't support moving stored procedures. Running the following script in a query window with output set to […]

  • SQL Server Tips & Tricks

    Pinal Dave's blog is called SQL Authority – which seems a fairly good description of what it's about. Has some useful tips about Microsoft SQL Server. Also there's SQL DB Tips which has solved some problems for me in the past.

  • Fake Name & Address Generator

    Generates fake name and address for any nationality and country of residence you care to choose. Useful for generating test data, they can also provide a file of fake names either for free or for a small fee if your in a rush.

  • Subsonic & Scribesonic

    Data Access Layer builders take the drudgery out the implementing basic database I/O routines for websites and other dotNet projects. A friend (and ex-colleague) of mine Mark Crowley wrote his own DAL builder which I've been using for years, but recently I've started to look at Subsonic, an open source DAL which is part of […]

  • DTS Wizard in SQL Server Express

    I'm adding this entry as I keep forgeting my self how to get to the DTS Wizard in SQL Server 2005 Express. It's simple, from Start.. Run box simply enter dtswizard.exe But be aware that this will only work once Service Pack 2 for SQL Server Express has been installed. Intiailly Microsoft didn't include DTS […]