Category: Web Design/Databases

  • Balsamiq Mockups offer a desktop tool to speed up the process of designing user interfaces.

  • Collage Designs

    Collection of some collage based website designs

  • Google Charts

    Fifty Cool Things you can do with Google Chart…… Not sure charting is ever going to be “cool”, but it's a useful application Google have provided, one I should do more with. Unfortuanly GC has some limitations built into it, for example the physical (pixel) size of mapping charts is limited, reducing it's potential to […]

  • Choosing Open Source CMS

    An article I need to read for something I need to do soon; choose an Open Source CMS (Content Management System) for a new website. It's likely I'll get to choose the host and web platform, so the choise is massive. DotNetNuke looked good, so did Drupal, but I'm going to review a few more […]

  • Get things sorted…

    Alphabetizer literally gets things sorted. Paste in some text and it will sort the lines alphabetically and optionally remove duplicates. Additional options are provided to randomise order, strip out HTML code, and a host of other things that just won't seem handy until you actually need them, like I did today, at work. Alright.

  • Visual Studio 2005

    Visual Studio 2005 can still be downloaded from the following URL. Microsoft is promoting another flashier page for the downloads ( but for me, and others it would seem, this page doesn't work properly – the downloads don't actually work..

  • Fasthosts no longer supports Subsonic

    Yesterday I noticed one of the sites I'd developed had stopped working, despite no changes or development on it by my self for several weeks. Turns out Fasthosts have made changes to the server configurations that prevent the popular DAL Subsonic from working. So now my clients site is down and to all extents which […]

  • Google Chart API

    Just what I've been looking for, a free API for web based charting! Okay, it's either one of those things that interests you or doesn't… Previously I was using ChartFX to do this sort of thing, which was good and integrated well with Microsoft's Visual Studio. But now Google are gonna give me some of […]

  • Google's Social Network API

    Google has released a developers API to implement open-standards social networks. Called OpenSocial, the code libraries should allow developers to write applications just once that will run on all social network platforms supporting the API. The current situation is that a developer needs to re-write an application for each social network. There are over 5000 […]

  • Regular Expression To Remove HTML Tables

    Posting this so I don't forget it. I've just people at work edit some content held in a database for display on website, but I didn't prevent them copying & pasting HTML tables. So now I need to remove them to keep things looking nice (and usability up). An alternative solution for me would […]