Category: Web Design

  • HTML Email Standards

    There are no standards for HTML email, and this bugs me every couple of months when I have to design a new HTML email template because there's so much testing involved across different browsers, web mail systems and installed clients. It would be so much better if everyone worked to an agreed set of standards, […]

  • Balsamiq Mockups offer a desktop tool to speed up the process of designing user interfaces.

  • Browser Ball

    Very geeky example of what can be done with newish HTML canvas tag in modern browsers – i.e. not Internet Explorer (yet).

  • 30 Useful Books for Web Designers (2009)

    Reading about the web offline might seem counter intuative, but sometimes the slower more reflective pace of “books” is what's needed to digest other peoples ideas, and to spark off you own..

  • HTML emails – best practices

    I've been doing some of these for work, back to tables and non-CSS design.. it's a slow process and there's still no standards but this list helps with the best practices…

  • Useful cheat sheets for web designers

    Quite literally useful cheat sheets for web designers….

  • Logo Tournament

    Logo Tournament lets you harness the collective creativity of a number of designers when you need a new logo designed. You put up a prize amount, provide some information about your organisation and leave it to designers to come back with their ideas. The designer providing the best logo get the prize fund and you […]

  • More website design inspiration

    Sixteen sites that offer some inspiration (i.e. ideas to borrow) to web deisgners

  • Website Up/Down Notifier

    Very simple website, emails when your website goes down or when it comes back up again.

  • Free Icons

    Released under Creative Commons, Crystal Clear is a set of icons free for any designer or developer to use.