Category: Social Media

  • Anything for $5, anything? is a site that adverties services people will perform for $5…or request for that amount. From what I can see there are some graphic designers working very cheap. Quite liked the I will find out if your date is a sleeze service for $5 or the I will hit on your girlfriend or wife […]

  • Email Is Dead…

    For the last couple of years I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to Google HQ London for their conference on Technology for Higher Education Marketing. The last one was this week and as it was a mix of interesting new ideas plus some re-assurance that what I’ve already been employing in this field was right. UCAS […]

  • Pop-up restaurant CPH Meal

    Wonderful food served simply, occasionally goes the strap line. CPH Meal takes the pop up restaurant concept and throws in social media elements, so that diners can follow the creation of the menu concept, the sourcing of the ingredients – though not the actual menu, they'll have to work out what went where on the […]

  • lets you update all your social media networks in one fell swoop. Really, anyone whose got time to be on that many social networks probably isn't doing much else. I would be interested to know what the average number of social networks people belong to these days, or perhaps more usefully how many people […]