Category: Secure

  • 60 & 70's Model try outs

    A Flickr set of photos from 1960s & 70s of strippers trying out for dancing jobs at a So. Cal club. On display are just a handful from a collection of over 400 Polaroid shots.

  • 2 Girls 1 Cup

    I've only just heard the story of this video clip thats been going around the web for a few months. I won't tell you what its about, I've not actually seen it my self (as of writing this anyway), but there are plenty of videos on YouTube of peoples reactions watching “2 Girls 1 Cup” […]

  • How rude…

    Penis Pokey is a book that actually doesn't contain anything rude at all, that's left to the imagination a the male member (literally) to provide. I think I used to have a children's book like this before with a maggot and an apple…

  • How to Quanitfy the User Experience

    Tribal Vision's SITS software for academic institutions, (also know as e:Vision) is with out doubt the worst software solution I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. If there's anyone out there thinking about getting SITS, then don't. Get a decent development team and write something that actually does what your organisation needs in a modern […]

  • Lanzarote 2002

    Photos from the boys trip to Lanzarote…  where Steve, Jason, Ben & Own got cabin fever in a holiday resort that delivered so much less than it promised…  This all took place in November 2002, during the firemen's strike and around the start of the 2002-03 Ashes series as Steve recalls.. Still the weather wasn't […]

  • Sophie's 1930/40's Birthday Party

    Photos from Sophie's excellent 1930s & 1940s themed birthday party…. A few of my favorites below – and the whole lot can be viewed here on a Flickr guest pass. Unlike Aidan, I don't put up photos of people with their eyes closed…. and if anyone needs a full size version of a photo (perhaps for […]

  • My Birthday Meal & Aftershow Party 2007

    Photos from my birthday meal in the Mirror Room, at The Engineer pub, Primrose Hill. Followed, possibly unwisely, with a bit of an “after-show” back at the flat. The party ended with me turning everyone out at 4am, in the knowledge I had my parents visiting for lunch, which I at least made! Photos, loads […]

  • Photos from Aidan & Jason's Birthday Party

    Updated.. my pictures added plus guest pass link corrected for Aidan's photos.. Here are mine. I didn't have my camera out for long, I didn't take many, but Aidan's got many more at his Flickr Aidan's friend took these… The photos are on a “guest pass” so if they aren't showing then you'll […]

  • Barcelona Photos

    Photos from Barcelona on the link below .. or slide show here

  • Photos from October's No One Died

    Photos from October's No One Died club can be found on the link below…