Category: My Videos

  • Day Of The Monkey

    Bizarre afternoon where a walk along Camden Canal ended up with us meeting a woman in a monkey suit charging 50p to be “fed” plastic bananas for charity. Some bits of this video, shot at the Belmont St. flat, look like they could have been make in the 70's – there was a lot of […]

  • DIY with Owen

    More bits of video surfacing… not really sure why I filmed this..  but it's always good to see Owen in action. Sound track added later.. at the time it was deadly silent.

  • On The Way To Marcel

    Think this was taken in 2001, when living with Steve & Owen at Belmont Street. We were on our way to Marcel gig in Covent Garden and I was planning to film the gig. In the end I didn't really do much filming in the venue, however the getting there and the pub afterwards did […]

  • Blair Bentley Project

    Amanda Jacobs get spooked in Belmont Street. This wasn't actually planned, that's the beauty of working with consummate professionals like Owen and Amanda.