Category: iPhone

  • WhatsApp – free SMS for iPhones

    SMS are one of the most expensive forms of data transfer around, aprox £750 per MB according to one finding (compared to say NASA who pay £61 per MB to receive data from the Hubble Space Telescope). So it's hard not to like this application (despite a name that reminds me of those horrible “Whats […]

  • 50 iPhone Applications for Web Designer/Developer

    Some bit extreme to be really useful, but an interesting list

  • Flight Control

    Flight Control is the best game for the iPhone, it's game play perfectly matches the devices form – this game would only work on a hand held touch screen. And like all the best games it's appear deceptively simply, has a gradual learning curve and becomes addictive to master. If there's any criticism it would […]

  • Safely walk & email at same time

    Email 'N Walk is an iPhone application that uses the phones camera to display what's ahead as he/she emails. Hopefully this will prevent people bumping into lamp posts and like. Get it from iTunes for free here. Of courses writing emails on the street does make you look a bit of a fool, but sometimes […]

  • Sad/Art iPhone Stickers

    Fake iPhone text message alerts alert…

  • Quad Camera

    Quad Camera is an iPhone application that produces multi-shot images. By default you get four images either in a single row or in two rows as below, this can be change to a 6 or 8 images, along with the time delay between each shot. It also adds a vignette effect, which gives it that […]

  • Wolfgang's Vault iPhone App

    Previously mentioned live concert archive site Wolfgang's Vault has created a free iPhone/iTunes app that streams any of their extensive catalogue to your mobile over Edge, 3G or WIFI connections. More information here .. or get the App from iTunes store here. “Darkness On The Edge Of Town” from that '78 Springsteen concert getting me […]

  • Wireless Printing for iPhone

    Air.Photo is a wireless print server that runs on PC and Mac, plus an iPhone app that lets you wireless print your photos from your phone. Not tried yet, but could be useful when Apple decide to give the iPhone a camera good enough to actually print photos from. I'm still looking for a […]

  • HearPlanet

    HearPlanet is an iPhone/iPod application that acts like an audio tour for the whole world. Using GPS the application plays Wikipedia articles on  based on points of interest about your current location. If there's nothing of interest close then you can still search for audio articles too. Get HearPlanet application from iTunes store here

  • Polaroid & retro photos…

    Last week Polaroid stopped producing film for it's classic Polaroid cameras – a quick check on eBay shows this film may even be going up in price as Polaroid fans scamble to get hold of stock to last them a few more months. If you still want those odd Polaroid colours and film shape, then […]